Although many of us are relatively familiar with our penis and its antics, there’s more to our appendage than meets the eye In this...
Among the ups, the downs, the way, way ups, it’s no secret that relationships are tough But the sweet reward of being loved and getting...
Don’t let internet dating ruin your mood — or your self-esteem One minute you’re swiping right and exchanging flirty texts Next...
Sometimes clothing can feel so restricting, you know That’s why sometimes you just want to let it all hang out, and be surrounded by...
If you’re like most men, you probably have a career plan and a retirement plan And maybe even a plan for starting or providing for your...
Name something you routinely do every day that has the single largest impact on your health Sleep Nope Exercise Nope Eating Yup Do you...
What are the minor health tweaks you can make to your daily routine that can make a huge difference in how you look and feel Read on…...
To say that erections are mysterious is a bit of an understatement When we were younger, erections seemed to happen at the most random...
When we think about ejaculatory dysfunction, impaired ejaculation or delayed ejaculation, most people think of premature ejaculation But...